Travelling with the Guitar

I've been called a groupie, a roadie, a coolie... but all I really am is wife to my guitar-playing husband who travels some. I get to tag along, to take me away from the monotony of obsessive house cleaning. Here, I log our adventures with food, airlines, hotels, food, organisers, fans, food, people, books I read. Did I say 'food' already? Well, someone's got to tell people what life's like on the road, right?

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

August 21, 2006 - Yamaha L-series workshop and promo
Last day!!! We're now in Johor, arrived late last night. This morning, I tell my boss, "Boss, ah, I don't want to push it. I just want to sleep in (and miss your 10:30am workshop)." Boss Roger says OK. So I sleep in while Roger is off to the last workshop of this tour. He's back in the room by 1:30pm and JSPA members ask us to join them for beef noodle lunch. Just in time too because I was hungry. Yum.

We meet Paul (Augustin), Farid (Ali) and his band after lunch and together with JSPA, we all drive to the Diamond Jubilee Hall again where Farid and band set up. I realise now how much more work setting up for a band of five is to say ... Double Take where there's just one vocalist and one guitarist. See picture?

By 4pm, though, it was time for us to head off to the air
port - again. This time, destination - home. I've never felt this glad to go home. The trip was very productive, we made new friends, I had great food but for the first time since we travelled together, I'm glad to be heading home. This was an extraordinarily tiring trip. Plus, we didn't go any Hotspots so again, no updating of the blog till I get home.