Travelling with the Guitar

I've been called a groupie, a roadie, a coolie... but all I really am is wife to my guitar-playing husband who travels some. I get to tag along, to take me away from the monotony of obsessive house cleaning. Here, I log our adventures with food, airlines, hotels, food, organisers, fans, food, people, books I read. Did I say 'food' already? Well, someone's got to tell people what life's like on the road, right?

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Day Four (Last Day) - July 29
Today, we sleep in till 12 noon.

The early-to-bed-rise-early-for-exercise routine that we had established back home has gone bust. Well, it was good while it lasted - all seven days of it. Last night, Roger finally drifted off to sleep at about 3:30am. He was still highly-strung from the knock-you-off-the-floor gig last night. It is as hard for him to calm down after a good gig as it is for a kid who's been playing and laughing madly in the playground for an hour.

After a quick visit to Farid's, we meet Roger's friends from his old music college, Ocean, for dinner tonight. Nice bunch of people. They decide to stay for the show too.

.... dang. I hate it when this happens. When I have a "I wish I had taken a picture of them together" moment. Dang. That picture would go perfectly here, won't it?

After dinner, though, I told my boss / husband / partner, "I've got a headache, honey. I need to go to bed." It's true. One of them killer migraines. The kind that can render you officially dead. The kind that you got to nip in the bu*t early and crawl to bed before it blows your brain away. So I can't tell you much about the gig tonight.
