Travelling with the Guitar

I've been called a groupie, a roadie, a coolie... but all I really am is wife to my guitar-playing husband who travels some. I get to tag along, to take me away from the monotony of obsessive house cleaning. Here, I log our adventures with food, airlines, hotels, food, organisers, fans, food, people, books I read. Did I say 'food' already? Well, someone's got to tell people what life's like on the road, right?

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Big yawn...
Yesterday was one of those days that was just right for veg-ing out. You know what I mean? I just felt like doing nothing except sit in front of the idiot box and ... drool. Do nothing. Think about nothing. Just stare.

Things are back on track today though. I've finished packing, I've done my part to pump some new life into Roger's website. I've cleaned the house. Now, I'm bringing this blog up to date. Yeah! I'm BACK!

You see, Roger and I are leaving for Kuala Lumpur again tomorrow. He's planned to spend the first couple of days recording a few more songs with Farid for their new album. Then, he's going to team up with Mia (Palencia) for Double Take's gig at Equatorial Hotel, KL. Four nights of Double Take playing at Flo's, then we're off home again.

This should be a relaxing trip because Equatorial has been so kind as to host our entire stay in KL so we won't be changing hotels - like we did for every night in Taiwan. Makes it so much easier to pack. Plus, the housekeeping ladies @ Equatorial are really nice. During one of our Equatorial visits, Roger's pants button dropped off and disappeared and the ladies mended it for him real quick. (They've got the spare part mah. The spare button. The one from Roger's pants rolled off the corner of the Earth) God bless 'em!

Several things to do before we leave the house:
1/get rid of all perishables; including eggs, ham, bread, flowers, vegetables...

will do that tomorrow. We're leaving at noon. Going to KL with my brother who's going for a business trip. Yeah. Haven't travelled in the same plane with my older brother since ... we were very little. Yeah, yeah! Travelling with my koko again. Yeah!

2/ buy me some books to read onboard the plane, in the airports, in the hotel, while waiting.

My mother-in-law gave me some books she got from her friend's daughter. The books made a detour from the garbage bin and landed on my shelves. I don't mind at all. And what perfect timing, my MIL gave them to me just the other day, God bless her! So, check that off my list...

3/Buy travel essentials, like wet tissues, etc. (Check)

4/ Pay parking tickets. Here in Kota Kinabalu, you pay for parking based on tickets left under your car's blades by these parking attendants. The attendants monitor the amount of time you're parked and punch off corresponding holes in the ticket. Hard work. Esp on a hot day. They have to walk from car to car in the entire area, checking the time, the price... They give you two weeks to pay up, I think. We probably have about three or four of those now.

5/ Send car off to the mechanic. No problems this time, just servicing.