Travelling with the Guitar

I've been called a groupie, a roadie, a coolie... but all I really am is wife to my guitar-playing husband who travels some. I get to tag along, to take me away from the monotony of obsessive house cleaning. Here, I log our adventures with food, airlines, hotels, food, organisers, fans, food, people, books I read. Did I say 'food' already? Well, someone's got to tell people what life's like on the road, right?

Friday, July 14, 2006

April 28, 2006 - Day Six
Sixth day already? Time flew. So far, Huang's been an excellent host. He's been religiously on time for all appointments (THANK YOU, GOD!), everything's well-organised. He kept finding all these wonderful eating places. Everything's been flawless.

Then, I had to go twist my ankle.

Coming down to the Riverside Music Cafe, an underground club. Literally. Down in the basement of some building. I was carrying two guitar cases (sometimes, besides reading a book and finding the toilet, I had to do some manual work) down the stairs. Turn the corner and the club's right there in front of you, with a sheer curtain hung delicately over the doorway. "Nice, cozy place," I thought, putting one foot in front of the other, trying to get past the curtain.

Sharp, sharp pain.

Right ankle.

In my head, I'm only saying one word over and over and over again and I can't say it in this blog (nor out loud then) because I don't (and didn't) want to be rude. But it starts with an "F" and sounds and looks like 'tuck'.

I had missed a step. Who the heck puts a curtain right before a step down to a darkened room?

Tuck, tuck, tuck!

I'd post a picture of that ankle but I don't have the prettiest ankles, even without the sprain! Enough about me though.

Good thing both Jacques and Mr. X had a wonderful time jamming during the gig that night (above).

Just so you know, I didn't send the two guitars flying in the air when I tripped and sprained my ankle. I was committed enough to know NEVER under any circumstance let the guitar go in case in emergencies. Hang on to them. So says my boss. Mr. X.
