Travelling with the Guitar

I've been called a groupie, a roadie, a coolie... but all I really am is wife to my guitar-playing husband who travels some. I get to tag along, to take me away from the monotony of obsessive house cleaning. Here, I log our adventures with food, airlines, hotels, food, organisers, fans, food, people, books I read. Did I say 'food' already? Well, someone's got to tell people what life's like on the road, right?

Thursday, July 13, 2006

April 25, 2006 - Day Three
Immediately after Changhua University's gig at 9:30pm yesterday, we drove to Tainan, arriving in Huang's hometown at 11:30pm.

Early this morning, we drove about an hour and twenty minutes down to Kaoshiung. There, Huang, Mr. X and Jacques performed at Kaohsiung Music Center. Very nice place. Sssssswan-ky!

I love this picture of Mr. X, taken during sound check (right). It's my baby ... against the elements. Alone. Apprehensive.

Huang drives up and down the island of Taiwan a lot - mostly for work but also for holidays with his wife and two young sons. He knows most of the best places for food. En route to Kaohsiung, he stopped at this roadside stall and bought two packs of chicken innards. Exactly which part of the chicken, I've yet to ascertain. But it was bloody marvelous! (below)

Jacques and Gaby, who have been to Taiwan four times prior to this visit, knew of this cuisine and had flatly refused to eat it. Their loss, my ultimate gain!